Watch live videos from our 2020 summer concert series, and a special compilation of made-for-CBMF videos from our festival artists, staff, and community! Thanks to SoundON for supporting the creation of these live videos.
Arts society and music festival on SḴŦAḴ / Mayne Island, BC
Watch live videos from our 2020 summer concert series, and a special compilation of made-for-CBMF videos from our festival artists, staff, and community! Thanks to SoundON for supporting the creation of these live videos.
Our work is held on S,ḴŦAḴ. S,ḴŦAḴ is the SENĆOŦEN word for 'pass' or 'narrows', and the WSÁNEĆ place name for the island later called Mayne. This area is the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people, who have a rich artistic and traditional culture connected to this place. We extend our thanks and gratitude to them, and acknowledge the privilege of enjoying this beautiful place in their territory.